mercredi, janvier 27, 2010

Future Google Businesses?

While reading something about iTunes, I have realized that Google, so far, never try to offer free music, except if we consider Youtube being a music channel..., and therefore compete with Apple and other Majors?

Nevertheless, this is typically a huge business which can be driven/sponsored with adverstising, therefore Google...

and while thinking of this, what else could be provided free with Google Ads?

Google Music
Google Cars - ads in the car and on the car!
Google Interactive Building Ad Walls
Google Clothes - touch me to get more info ;-)
Google Food - all kind of food/dring which can be refill free in a google food box with interactive ads
Google Pets - electronic pets walking around the house and proposing contextual ads/paid services to entertain you
Google Pens - electronic pens displaying ads based on words you have just written
Google HD Video calls - free with ads
Google Movies - free with ads
Google Sidewalk - interactive sidewalk with ads and connected to Google Street to dipslay arrows to your destination
Google Glasses - free glasses with location based ads
Google Coffee - free coffee refill with an interactive google cup which download ads from coffee machine while filling the cup
and so on...

vendredi, janvier 22, 2010

The future of TV by 2015

I have listed some thoughts and ideas I have regarding the future of TV by 2015, but as well Computers, Internet and Social Networks, since all those are more and more related and will ultimately converges into one channel distributing all kind of content (static, interactive, multimedia) available through multiple devices.

Most of the following is quite obvious and logical, but I am interested to get others thoughts to validate or challenge this.

TV and computers are likely to converge by 2015 within a unique social experiences to get what we want, when we want it and wherever we want. Given that high-speed wireless Internet-enabled device shipments are expected to double worldwide between 2009 and 2013, Multimedia Content will become available across all kind of devices on-demand, from mobile phones/smartphones, TV screens in Cars, Interactive TV and Tablets. Americans accessing video content via their mobile phones will climb to 74m in 2015, I assume the same more or less in all Internet well connected countries, but don't have the facts yet.

Live TV experience will remain, but with the option to receive on-demand personalized content and given that TV and internet will converge, furthermore content could be recommended by friends/peers through social networks on the same device.

Social Networks will complement TV, in the way we consume content, but as well in the way we find product information. 79 per cent of consumers (household shoppers online in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States) are predicting that social shopping network sites geared purely towards sharing information about stores, designers and trends will be in popular use by 2015.

Once Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Computing platforms are properly ported to the TV screen , a new explosion of media and technology convergence will occur, affecting the product strategies of device makers, content providers pay TV providers and therefore advertising on such channel.

All this meaning that consumers will not anymore just watch an advertisement, but play an active role, by searching for more information, including personal healthcare, recommendations from Networks and potentially up to buying the product/service, using one device e.g. being in his living room on his interactive TV or using his smartphone in a train.

For those being doubtful, the success of the iPhone, launch of Google Nexus One phone, existing Internet Video/TV streaming services, rumors of Apple tablet and Microsoft announcement of HP tablet are already going in this direction. Most of this is already possible with today technologies and solutions. This needs to become more user friendly to become a normal consumer behavior by 2015 and 5 years is way enough time in the electronic consumer goods to make it happen!

jeudi, janvier 21, 2010

The Future of Healthcare by 2020: the transformation scenario

Our long-term health has become a major national and personal focus. In the last ten years, we have seen the convergence of several social movements that recognize that people’s actions are situated in a larger ecosystem of causes and effects. Especially pronounced are movements to provide holistically healthy environments and habits for children, and to create more supportive, less costly systems for end-of-life care. Sophisticated feedback technologies encourage the healthy to stay well, as part of a low key but pervasive system for preventive health. A substantial portion of the population is becoming convinced that they can no longer live however they please, and rely on health care to “fix” them when health problems arise. People, companies, communities, and our nation as a whole have a responsibility to work together to change behaviors and structures that nurture health resilience.

What could Health and Health Care look like in 2020? Watch the Collapse transformation video at and comment how are we moving towards or moving away from this scenario?

Healthcare 2020 is an initiative from The Institute for the Future (IFTF)